Summer 2021 Issue

Summer 2021 issue

Adjusting Expectations
A letter from Center Director Dr. Mary Jo Kreitzer
In conversations that I have been having personally and
professionally, I sense a growing understanding that many of the changes we made during the Covid-19 pandemic are here to stay. While the state of the pandemic is certainly better than it was a year ago, we continue to live with uncertainty related to the Covid variants, endurance of immunity post-vaccination, what future school and work options will look like, and how to heal the nation. In a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, Aneel Chima and Ron Gutman note that while we may think of 2020 as an anomaly, it may not be. They suggest that conditions for accelerating change have been building for years. While we may yearn for stability, the reality is that in the world today, change is:
Perpetual – occurring all the time in an ongoing way.
Pervasive – unfolding in multiple areas of life at once.
Exponential – accelerating at an increasingly rapid rate.