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Meet Jamie Hazelton, NBC-HWC

Jacques Lerouge

Raised in Bemidji, Minnesota, Jamie Hazelton (she/her) is a frequent camper, a role model, a gay transgender woman, and a Health Coach. If you met her, you might share a love of crab legs. You might talk about some of her favorite state park vacation spots along the North Shore, or that lately she’s been listening to the “Widowed Mom Podcast,” - though she is neither a widow nor a mom, she says she feels connected to the wisdom the host offers.

The end of 2020 brought significant change for Hazelton – she presented her capstone for her Master of Arts in Integrative Health & Wellbeing Coaching and participated in a panel discussion as part of the “Perspectives on Increasing Inclusion in Health Coaching” event. She explained that after graduating she transferred that energy into her new focus, starting her practice Whole You Health. “One of the things I’ve enjoyed a lot about postgraduate life is working with the community. I am passionate to work with and serving their needs with my training,” she says.

While Hazelton has coached for a variety of clients like the Emergency Physicians Professional Association, her passion is working with people with transitional identities. “I most often serve LGBTQIA+ and specifically the trans/nonbinary communities, however, I also work with individuals who are struggling with identity – whether that is with their own identity or allowing their identity to be accepted within this world.”

“The Owning Your Transition group is my highlight every week. Jamie’s calm and knowing guidance brought the group together in a way that allows us to discuss and explore our various transition challenges and discover new ways of seeing beyond them. […] I’d recommend Jamie to most anyone who needs someone to talk to about transgender issues, and beyond.” - Joan

“I want to see my community in-person and be around them,” Hazelton says. “I haven’t had the opportunity to do that because of the pandemic, however, I can see people’s faces on screens and that type of connection is really nice to have during this time. I work with individuals who live in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Germany, France, and England. It’s a very powerful avenue to be able to connect with them and say, ‘look we have this in common and let’s help you get to wherever you want to be.’ I still prefer to connect

in-person - but online is great, too.”

Hazelton reflected on the safety that digital spaces provide for the transgender community to reach out to one another. “I actually started a YouTube channel eight years ago - way before I even thought about coaching as an option - to help with my own transition and embracing myself.” She explained the YouTube transgender community “was the first time I saw representation of people like me, and that’s really powerful, so I always said I want to be that online safe support for others.” Her channel has since reached one million plus views and has helped her forge connections around the globe through shared experiences.

“I’ve always looked elsewhere to figure out who I am. Jamie has helped me to see that I need to trust myself to become my most happy, authentic, and beautiful self!” - Josie

Before she enrolled in the Center’s Health Coaching program, Hazelton considered it ironic to enter a program through a department with “spirituality” in the name as she considered herself “the least spiritual person ever.” Nevertheless, she remembered the advice from her instructors to enter into everything with a beginner’s mind and took courses like CSPH 5331 - Foundations of Shamanism and Shamanic Healing and CSPH 5225 - Meditation: Integrating Body and Mind. “It allowed me to open up a part of myself that I was hiding. All of those classes that allowed me to stop and think about myself and how I connect to the greater whole were really inspirational for me and helped motivate me to pursue who I am today.”

“One of the most valuable lessons that I learned in the program was creating work

life balance,” Hazelton says. “I have a strict schedule, so I also make sure I’m taking care of my own needs and creating that flexibility.” She leaves up to 12 hours a day open to leave flexibility open for her global client base, though she typically serves her members 7-10 hours each day and leaves lots of time open to adventure with her partner.

“What was really unique about this program was the semester-long class dedicated to starting a business,” Hazelton remarks. The course helped her with the many different aspects behind establishing a practice, but more importantly it helped her develop close relationships with her cohort. Thus, the Circle Coaching Collaborative emerged and has since met weekly to discuss their practices and support each other.

“Transition is tough. Jamie is helping me find my confidence to come out as a transgendered woman. I have had online therapy sessions with a licensed therapist, she was great, but I hit a wall. I needed someone with personal experience with transition. Coaching helps you receive insight on your inner you, how to become you, and how to overcome issues, such as fear. I have realized, I am so much more than the person I have been for the last 49 years." -Sara

Hazelton describes herself as a more reserved person, but she reflects that making connections at the University of Minnesota was key to her experience. Her advice to a health coach beginning their education is to “take advantage of the opportunities to get involved with your cohort, alumni, and the National Board of Certified Coaches.”

Hazelton will continue to run Whole You Health virtually, while she moves with her partner to Albany, New York this summer. She is looking forward to participating in the LGBTQIA+ community there, serving her community, and growing her practice.

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